Interesting sites about Kezmarok:

The official town council homepageThe official homepage of the town council in Kezmarok can be found on: You can find out something about history of Kezmarok, contacts on the town council, an interesting document concerning the European folk - craft market and other interesting things. Unfortunately, the page is only in Slovak language.

On the address
Slovak academy of scieces Kezmarok
(Slovak academy of sciences) you can find basic information - history and nice photographs stressing historical face of Kezmarok.
The page is only in English language.

Kezmarok on
Nicely made brief information and photos of Kezmarok castle and museum you can find on address:

Another information you can find in a page devoted to the Slovak paradise - on the address

On the site you can surely find information from the hockey happening also in Kezmarok.

And of course on by entering of Kezmarok you'll find many contacts of Kezmarok firms connected to the server Sinet, their homepages contain mostly their addresses and contacts.

If you have suugestions about this site and the town Kezmarok, write on the address
or see our page for other contacts.